1. Speaking Drill

add ~ : ~를 더하다, 추가하다

And add an extra shot, too.

Add some salt.

Sugar has not been added to this juice.

I add some personal notes to this email.

I don't want ~ in ... : ~를 ...에 넣고 싶지 않아.

Would you like to add some syrup?

I don't want sugar in my coffee.

I don't want any salt in the salad.

I don't want any other furniture in my living room.

pick up ~ : ~를 찾다, 가져오다, 가져가다

I don't want anything in it.

I'll pick up the laundry.

They pick up the trash every Tuesday.

When can you come to pick up the tickets?

2. Model Dialogue

Taylor: One tall Americano, please. And add an extra shot, too.

Man: Would you like to add some syrup?

Taylor: No, thanks. I don't want anything in it.

Man: Do you want a mug or a paper cup?

Taylor: I'd like a mug, please.

Man: Please pick up your order on the left.

3. Vocabulary & Expressions

add: 더하다, 추가하다, 넣다

extra: 추가의, 여분의

mug: 머그잔

pick up: 찾다, 찾아가다

on the left: 왼쪽에서

some personal notes: 개인적인 견해

4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips

order와 order의 발음 구별, odor의 첫 소리는 /ou/라는 것

Are you ready to order?

Can I order here?

I didn't order this.

What's this odor?

It helps reduce your foot odor.

This odor is too strong.

5. Making Up Longer Sentences

Step 1: 난 ~를 원하지 않아요.

Step 1: I don't want...

Step 2: 난 아무것도 넣고 싶지 않아요.

Step 2: I don't want anything...

Step 2: 난 내 커피에 아무것도 넣고 싶지 않아요.

Step 2: I don't want anything in it.

Step 4: 나는 내 침실에 아무것도 두고 싶지 않아요.

Step 4: I don't want ________ in ________.

6. 짤막 Tip

pick up 표현

> '어떤 것을 찾아가다, 수거해 가다' 라는 뜻

> Please pick up the laundry.

(세탁소에서 옷 좀 찾아와.)

> '바닥에 떨어진 것을 줍다, 집어 올리다' 라는 뜻

> Hey, pick up the trash.

(얘, 쓰레기 주워라.)

> '어디로 누구를 데리러 가다' 라는 뜻

> Can you pick me up later?

(이따 나 좀 데리러 올 수 있어?)

7. Comments & Practice

8. 외워야 할 표현

I add some personal notes to this email.

I don't want any other furniture in my living room.

When can you come to pick up the tickets?

9. Homework

'영어 > Easy english' 카테고리의 다른 글

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