1. Speaking Drill
interest in ~ : ~에 대한 관심[흥미]
Thank you for your interest in this project.
I don't have any interest in it.
I took an interest in food decoration.
Unfortunately, many children lose interest in English that way.
be confident : 자신 있다.
We're confident of doing a great job on this project.
Be confident in yourself.
I'm confident of your success.
We're confident of overcoming it.
I'll try to ~. : ~하도록 할게[노력할게].
I'll try to make a decision by Monday.
I'll try to make you happy.
I'll try to be a better husband.
I'll try to pay it off within the next year.
2. Model Dialogue
Sean: Thank you for your interest in this project.
Counterpart: Though we're a small start-up, we're confident of doing a great job on this project.
Sean: Would you like something to drink? We have coffee and citron tea.
Counterpart: Can I have iced citron tea, please?
Sean: Sure.
(after the meeting)
Sean: All right. I'll try to make a decision by Monday.
3. Vocabulary & Expressions
start-up: 신생 회사
citron tea: 유자차
iced: 얼음을 넣은
make a decision: 결정을 하다
do a great job: 잘 하다
4. Pronunciation & Listening Tips
> dr의 발음 연습
> 발음 방법: /쥬르/ 처럼 소리나도록 연습
Let's drink some water.
Let me test drive your car.
I had a fantastic dream.
She's such a drama queen.
Can I try on this dress?
Can you please dry my shirt?
5. Making Up Longer Sentences
Step 1: 저희가 작은 신행 회사이긴 하지만, ~.
Step 1: Though We're a small start-up, ...
Step 2: 저희가 작은 신행 회사이긴 하지만, ~할 자신이 있습니다.
Step 2: Though We're a small start-up, we're confident of...
Step 3: 저희가 작은 신행 회사이긴 하지만, 이 프로젝트를 잘할 할 자신이 있습니다.
Step 3: Though We're a small start-up, we're confident of doing a great job on this project.
Step 4: 제가 어리긴 하지만, 이 일을 맡아서 할 능력이 있다고 자신합니다.
Step 4: Though I'm young, I'm confident of my ability to take care of it.
6. 짤막 Tip
interest의 쓰임
> 의미: '흥미, 관심'이라는 뜻
> show[have] a great interest in 무엇
(어떤 것에 많은 관심을 보이다[가지다])
> have the least interest in 무엇
(어떤 것에 전혀 관심이 없다)
> lose one's interest in 무엇
(어떤 것에 흥미나 관심을 잃어버리다)
7. Comments & Practice
8. 외워야 할 표현
Thank you for your interest in this project.
I don't have any interest in it.
I took an interest in food decoration.
(난 음식을 장식하는 데 관심이 생겼어.)
Unfortunately, many children lose interest in English that way.
(불행하게도, 많은 아이들이 그런 식으로 영어에 대한 흥미를 일어버리죠.)
Be confident in yourself.
(네 자신에 대해 자신감을 가져.)
I'm confident of your success.
(난 네가 성공할 거라고 믿어.)
We're confident of overcoming it.
(우린 이걸 극복할 수 있을 거라고 믿어.)
I'll try to make a decision by Monday.
I'll try to make you happy.
I'll try to be a better husband.
I'll try to pay it off within the next year.
(내년 안에 다 갚을 수 있도록 할게요.)
Though we're a small start-up, we're confident of doing a great job on this project.
(저희가 작은 신생 업체이긴 하지만, 이 프로젝트를 잘할 자신이 있습니다.)
She's such a drama queen.
(그녀는 정말 허풍 쟁이야.)
9. Homework
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